The Future

of electrostimulation/

The professional way of Saneo/

Electrostimulation on

a new level

The Saneo4SPORT is a highly functional electrostimulation device for almost all muscle groups and supports every sport. However it offers more than that.

Workout everywhere

with even more power

Comparable with the performance of stationary EMS systems, the Saneo4SPORT lets you do your workout in any place at any time.

A flexible and intensive


If you compare the performance of a stationary EMS studio and that of the Saneo4SPORT, you will not find any performance differences. The Saneo4SPORT offers you effective and flexible training that you can perfectly integrate into your usual training routine.

Health & Fitness

App controlled training

Change your smartphone into the control unit. The latest technology and a stable and secure Bluetooth connection ensure perfect communication between the Bodypack and your smartphone. Keep everything at a glance with the training diary, activate only those programs that are relevant to you and manage your entries.

personalized training

Create your own programs

In the Pro version, you have access to all programs of the program packages strength, motion, endurance training, TENS and massage therapie.
In addition, you have the possibility to create your own programs and edit existing programs.
Exchange with your buddies online and share your own programs with them in the free web interface in your login area.

Cumstomize your


Through the different program packages you can assemble your SaneoSPORT according to your wishes and needs.